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30 rue des Alpes – 74200 Thonon les Bains

+33 (0)6 80 87 23 24 

+41 782 68 80 82 

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Rue Eugène-Marziano 25,

1227 Genève,


Privacy Policy (contact form) :

The contact form allows the owner of the site to receive and respond to messages sent through it. The information collected in this form is sent to the email address:

Filling out this form is free and based on consent.

The information collected in the contact form is recorded in a computer file by Claire Luchini. This data may be used for the purpose of sending commercial and professional information.

They are kept for 12 months from the last sending of the form.

You can ask for the deletion of your data or exercise your right to limit the processing of your data. Consult the website for more information on your rights.

To exercise these rights or for any question about the processing of your data in this system, you can contact Claire Luchini:

Photo & illustration credits:

Dandelion photo Home page : Jessica Lewis Creative

Dandelion photo About page: Catherine Leclef

Dandelion photo Services page: Wolfgang Hasselmann

Dandelion photo To go further page: Havilah Galaxy

Dandelion photo Contact page: Hasan Almasi

Illustrations and icons: Philippine Crivelli – LooF design

Would you like to know more about my coaching offer?

Do you have a question? A request for a quote?

Send me a message:

8 + 9 =

Claire Luchini

+33 (0)6 80 87 23 24

+41 782 68 80 82

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