To go further...

If you wish to broaden your horizons and thoughts on the subject of sustainable development, I invite you to visit some of the sites listed below.

This list is not exhaustive and will evolve.


SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals

IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

ADEME: Agency for Ecological Transition


Climate Fresk : A collaborative workshop to understand climate issues and take action

The Biodiversity Collage : A workshop to discover the systemic aspects of biodiversity: what it is, what it enables and what degrades it.

The Digital Collage : A workshop to understand the impact of digital technology on the environment.

2tonnes : Immersive workshop to act together for the climate

MyCO2 : A workshop to collectively understand the orders of magnitude of carbon by guiding them to calculate their own carbon footprint


Bloom : NGO against the destruction of the ocean, the climate and the artisanal fishermen

Sea Shepherd : NGO for the protection of marine wildlife wordlwide

WWF : Our mission is to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature


OXFAM : For an equal future

UNICEF: United Nations Children’s Fund

Human Rights Watch: Defending Human Rights Around the World



Reclaim finance : Make finance work for the climate

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Claire Luchini

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+41 782 68 80 82

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